August 25, 2008

Olivia's Birthday

We were invited to celebrate my niece's birthday yesterday. She is turning 1 year old. So we gathered at the central meeting point, Grandma Joneses Houses. When we got there Darius was putting the final touches on his beautiful birthday cake, The Ladybug. Surprising to me, Olivia didn't actually tear her piece of cake apart when it was served to her. In fact, she need coaxing just to taste it (I guess I'm used to my boys who tear the cake apart trying to eat it and end up wear more of the cake than they actually ate). But she is certainly a cutie!

We were invited to share in the potluck (& BYOB) dinner before the birthday celebration. It was a time of relentlessly teasing my sister Trista who has recently returned from her mission (in Georgia) and is just getting past the "arms-length" mission rules and re-entering the world of dating. And since she was "caught" giving a hug to her most recent date she was teased about everything from dating to marriage, holding hands to kissing. The irony of it all is that she's just barely getting back into dating and still so innocent.

While the dinner preperations were in full swing the kids were playing inside and outside as their whims directed. But Michael managed to find a small amount of "trouble" in his wanderings. He managed to discover that his head could fit through the leg slats of the dinner table but once through his head didn't come out quite as easily. Needless to say he express his distraught feelings and rallied the appropriate attention to be rescued (those expressions were relatively minor but they brought a chuckle to all the bystanders).

David managed to summon the great hunter inside and captured a wild animal in the backyard, a little field mouse. He claims to have found it in the sandbox while he was playing. It was definitely still alive and he was quite proud to show off his prize. Most of the family was just worried about the little critter getting loose in the house should it be dropped; secondly they were worried about the germs! It seems that only his dad was proud of the valiant efforts of his first born son. The mouse was returned to its "natural" habitat in the sand (where his caring uncle Leo quickly disposed of the remains).