September 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Khayyam!

Yesterday was my birthday. It's hard to believe another year has gone by. We spent most of the day trying to catch up from being gone camping. We're still getting stuff put away, dishes were done but then we ate again. But in spite of all the work that we had to do Michelle still put together a birthday dinner and movie date.

Michelle managed to talk Kyle into babysitting for us but his condition was that the kids had to be in bed, or nearly in bed, by the time he started; our movie started at 7:30 pm and the kids are normally in bed by 8:00 pm. That was an acceptable amount of child activity to watch. We also invited him to share our birthday dinner (marinated chicken breasts, mashed potatos and zucchini).

Kelley Johnson stopped to visit and brought Zachary with her. Since she was her she helped prepared dinner and Neil joined us when he got off of work. They also went to the movie with us (and went early to save us seats since they knew we would be pushing the deadline trying to get kids ready for bed before we left).

We left for the movie at 7:25 pm. The movie was the new "Indiana Jones" movie about the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. We discovered that Movies 8 has 1/2 price Tuesdays (so that is the best priced night to go). The previews had already started when we arrived but we still managed to find the Johnsons in the dark.

After the movie was over I received a call from one of my tenants. Apparently the dryer cord/outlet spontaneously burst into flames and shorted out the entire apartment. They put out the fire but with the power out they didn't know if they should stay in a motel until the power could be restored or what. So I dropped Michelle off at the house and headed over to evaluate the situation. After reseting the breaker the power was restored. The outlet and cord were definitely burned and need to be replaced but that will have to be done when a qualified person can fix it.

After that detour I was able to join Michelle and the Johnsons for my birthday cake and ice cream. I feel so lucky to have a wife who went through all the work and trouble to make my birthday special. And I think we're pretty fortunate to have the Johnsons as our friends.

Yesterday was also the birthday for my sister Larissa, my aunt Carol and it is my cousin Alisha & Chris' anniversary! I'd say this must be one of the most important days of the year!