September 15, 2008

How to spell fun...G.R.A.N.D.M.A.!

We are trying to help Donovan get potty trained. Grandma was able to get David potty trained in about 24 hours (at least that is the way I remember it). But Donovan doesn't seem to be quite as motivated as David. So we hit upon this great plan...David had gone to visit Granda Petersen all by himself and Donovan felt left out. So we promised him that if he could get potty trained he could go stay at Grandma's house too. Well it was a big success (finally)! So David and Donovan went spend the night at Grandma's house.

From all accounts they had a wonderful time (obviously I wasn't there...which was the point of the reward, to stay at Grandma's house alone). They got to stay up "late" and watch a movie, ate popcorn and had other treats (I think Grandma was trying to spoil them and then laugh as she sent them home again). They did some walking and exploring in the morning. The plan was to meet at the zoo and we'd take them home from there. So the zoo is where we came into the picture...

We went to the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake.

Michael spotted the turkeys.

David hung out with the elephants.

And how close can 3 boys get to the penguins?

Donovan spent a lot of time trying to find the giraffes (this stop is the zebras)

David thought it was great to drink from the lion's mouth.

And then there was the spouting elephant.

Seeing the cheeta up close was pretty cool.

Some of the displays weren't made with kids in mind, but don't boys will find a way to see the turtles swim.

This was very captivating...where else can a little boy move such a huge ball?

Grandma treated everyone to a ride on the Carosel. While it was a hit and all my boys loved it (and through little tantrums when the ride was over) Aleky seemed to enjoy the ride the far!

After the zoo we were all tuckered out and hungry, well at least Michelle and I were tuckered out, but we were all definitely hungry. So we stopped at Wendy's for a quick bite to eat.

Our boys had so much fun. We discovered that the average attention span of a child at any exhibit at the zoo is 3.7 seconds! If you want to take a picture then you must have all the children at any exhibit at the same moment so that you maximize your photo opportunity! In spite of the quite pace of the walk through the zoo everyone enjoyed the afternoon. And our boys definitely loved the ice cream treat at the end!