October 4, 2008

General Conference Highlights (Priesthood Session)

What an amazing day of general conference! I was very impressed by just about every speaker. I don't know if that means I'm getting more "in-tune" with the Spirit or I'm getting more out-of-tune with the Spirit (and need a lot more help). I tried to take notes of the important things that were said but I didn't do a very good job. Saturday is still a work day and there were chores that needed to be done so I couldn't devote an entire 6 hours just to listening to conference.

There were some highlights from the Priesthood session that we're especially noteworthy for me:

Richard G. Scott - He spoke of the value of women, how they are every bit equal to man and any institution which teaches any form of superiority of men is of satan (he was quite bold in his statements). While Elder Scott remarks were about the value of holding the Priesthood, I felt that the talk was more on the value and importance of woman. In fact, the woman was the crowning event of the creation...saving the best for last. Elder Scott asked a series of worthiness questions, one of which was "do you help your wife with the chores?" Having spent the day doing chores I felt somewhat validated in the sight of God.

James Hamula - He spoke of the war that started in Heaven has continued here on earth. In Heaven, Satan was defeated by faith, testimony and consecration of ones-self to the cause of righteousness. On earth Satan will be defeated in the same way. Elder Hamula also spoke of the "voice of the Lord" being still, small, and whisper-like; that the Spirit "speaks" through feelings, thoughts, and impressions. As we follow the promptings of the Spirit we rediscover our faith, testimony and level of consecration that we had developed prior to this mortal existence.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf - (quite possibly my current favorite apostle) He discussed the idea of "lift where you stand." This is the idea of serving (and magnifying) in the calling that you have been given without seeking a position or hiding from the opportunity to serve. Elder Uchtdorf also explained that the Lord judges differently than we do and our current excuses won't matter when we're standing in front of the Him; does the Lord care about...what job or position we hold, what meetings we're attending, what callings we've held, or any other excuse why we couldn't serve in His kingdom? The Lord has a calling for everyone; every calling is an opportunity to serve and to grow. And Elder Uchtdorf explained that we may be worthy to serve in any number of callings or positions but that the Lord chooses whom He will for any specific calling and any specific time and that when we receive (or don't receive) a calling it may have nothing to do with our worthiness or abilities; the Lord may need you somewhere else.

Henry B. Eyring - Elder Eyring explained and discussed how the Lord gives us calling to stretch us and strengthen our abilities (like a muscle that needs to be broken down before it can be built back up). So anytime we feel overwhelmed in a calling we need to realize 2 things; 1) this is a time for growth, and 2) you can't do it by yourself...you need God's help. Many of us feel that life will be better when...I get home from my mission, graduate from college, get a real job, etc. Elder Eyring pointed out that the more faithfully you serve the more responsibility you are given (and the more blessings you receive), so don't plan on things getting easier in your life! We need to recognize those people that the Lord sends into our lives to help us and we need to be prepared to be sent into other's lives. When we are sent to others we need to help them feel confident in their ability to go to the Lord (that is where the true help comes from).

President Thomas S. Monson - While I love our prophet I sometimes struggle to identify the message in his talks. I always feel good listening to him and his stories but I guess my personality doesn't quite identify with him like I can with his 2 councilors. President Monson did say that there are 3 things that all of us can do to be better: 1) Learn what we should learn, 2) Do what we should do, and 3) Be what we should be. When we are on the Lord's errand we are entitled to the Lord's help.

I know there was much more said but these are a few thoughts that were the most impressionable to me tonight. I'm excited to listen to the 2 remaining sessions of conference tomorrow.