October 31, 2008

Head in the Game

Donovan is such a lovable boy and is usually such a joy to be around. He is the best kid for cleaning-up as he will be the first one on the job, put away more toys and usually has the best disposition while doing it! Then there are the times when he can be...well how do I say this...slightly oblivious to the glaring obvious.

One of the common traits that Donovan exhibits is the propensity to walk forward while looking in any other direction but forward. Maybe he is easily distraction, multi-tasking, has extreme concentration on a previous thoughts (ideas, whatever). Regardless, the result is the same, that he walks without looking where he is going. Today he didn't see the cutting board that had been extended for use in the cooking work space. As you can see, above his left eye, he didn't see the cutting board and walked right into it.

We felt bad for him but we were not quite sure what to do. Band-aids don't work so good over the eye and stitches seemed a bit extreme. So he just got to sit with a cold compress (ice in a wash cloth) over his eye to control the swelling and stop the bleeding.

It wouldn't be so bad except that this is the third head injury in as many days! Yesterday he was walking and tripped, smacking his head on the sidewalk! And the day before he did something else! When I want my boys to get their heads in the game this isn't what I had in mind! It has to be something of a miracle that any children ever make it to be adults...!