November 11, 2008

The Casting of a Super-Star

David went in for his 2 week check-up for his broken arm. We had a new set of x-rays done to see how his arm is healing. I'm not an x-ray expert but I'm told that his arm is healing just fine. It still looked broken to me so when the doctor said that David would need another 4 weeks in a cast I couldn't see any point in arguing.
The doctor cut of his green cast and then the nurse washed his arm.

Then the senior doctor came in to put the gor-tex cast on (as this procedure is apparently more difficult to do). David originally choose blue for the cast color but they didn't have enough blue so they defaulted to purple (we could have gone for yellow or orange as his other options). So for the next 4 weeks David is going to support the Utah Jazz! In any case, my little super-star has a new cast and didn't seemed phased by the fact that he had to have a new cast.

(Just getting in a little X-box while he has the chance.)