March 2, 2009

Jungle Uno

Saturday night we had the chance to play some games with a few of our friends. One of the games we called "Jungle Uno" which played was a traditional deck of Uno cards. I heard of many variations of the game. Here are some of the rules that we added to the original game:

1. Match - if a player has the exact same card as the last card played, they may immediately play that card and play resumes from that point.

2. Compounding - if a Draw Two is played the next player may also play a Draw Two and may avoid drawing the cards. The next player must then draw four cards. If that player also has a Draw Two they may play it and the following player must draw six, etc. The same applies to a Wild Draw Four, if a a Draw Four is played and the next player also plays a Draw Four then the third player would draw eight cards, etc. And we allow the Match rule so that if a player can Match a draw card then the next person in order of play would have to draw the resulting cards.

3. 0 - if a zero is played then all players exchange their entire hand with the person next to them in order of play.

4. 7 - if a seven is played then that person must exchange their hand with the person of their choice.

We had a lot of fun as we added these rules into our games. It sure makes the regular game of Uno seem a little dull. I wonder what other variations people have played with this simple game of Uno?