May 30, 2009

Summer Reading Program

Today was the "Grand Opening" of Provo City Library's Summer Reading Program. Since their would be limited supplies of t-shirts we decided to get there right at 9:00 am. Well, we almost got there at 9:00 am but we were there in time to get each boy their own t-shirt and to sign them up for the summer reading program.

This year the program is a time-based, try to be consistent with daily reading, program. So you set your own goal for reading each day, Monday through Saturday, and keep track of it on your special reading program chart. If you reach your goal then you get special prizes through out the summer.

Michelle and I both signed up for the adult reading program. Their rules are much stricter. First, you don't get the t-shirt until you have read at least 3 books. Second, the books have to be at least 100 pages. Third, you have to complete a book review to prove that you read the book in the first place. The nice thing about the adult program is that each week that you do read a book you get entered into a drawing to win a weekly prize. If you complete your 3 books (or more) you get added into the grand prize drawing (for a Wii system).

I'm excited about the program but I just need to find time to read the books. Michelle seems pretty confident that she'll get her 3 books read and that she'll be able to help the boys get their programs done too.