July 2, 2009

My Camera Lives!

I am so excited to have my camera back! It had to take a visit to the camera doctor because it was working quite right. The problem was that every time I tried to take a picture it would get over-exposed. I tried changing every setting I could find but it just didn't seem to help.

The guy at the camera repair shop said that the lens was stuck and needed to be cleaned. He also indicated that the it had jammed because of "impact". I guess I must have dropped it one to many times.
camera backcamera front

But now it's all better. I can take pictures again. Not that I haven't taken pictures since before Thanksgiving when it was first broken but it's not the same using Michelle's camera. This camera fits in my pocket and I can take it just about anywhere.

This weekend we'll put it to the test as we visit Grandma Petersen and share in the 4th of July holiday celebrations at her house. I'm excited!!!