July 12, 2009

On The High Council

Last week I was enjoying a beautiful Sunday church service. After the opening exercises for my Priesthood meeting I headed down the hall to put our boys "church bag" on a shelf in the coat closet so I wouldn't need to hold the bag uselessly through this last Sunday meeting. As I headed back down the hall I saw the Bishop and the Stake President heading toward me. As I made a courteous "hello" and tried to squeeze by I was blocked!

As President Smith shook my hand he gave me that smile that let's you know that you're about to get it and he asked me 2 simple questions. "Is your wife here today?" and "Can I meet with you right after church?" Of course my heart started beating double-time but I had to answer in the affirmative.

As a result of that meeting last week I was sustained to serve on our Stake High Council this week! Of course I'm a little nervous about what to expect but I'm also excited for the opportunity and experience that this new calling will give me. As it turns out, I won't have to wait long to find out what will happen on the High Council.

Immediately after being sustained in Sacrament meeting I meet President Thurston in the hallway on the way to my Sunday School class. Michelle and I greeted him in the hallway and he asked if I had been sustained. He then informed me that I had my first assignment which is to speak next Sunday in another ward. We then headed to the Stake office to get some papers which showed where I was supposed to be speaking but I had to call their Bishopric and let them know I would be there (because of the change in High Councilmen). I also have my first High Council meeting next Sunday morning (before church).

I guess there is no point in waiting to get started! I was set apart immediately following our block of church meetings so I'm official! I have received many "congratulations" since being sustained and I certainly appreciate every one. It is great to know I have the support of my friends and family as I begin this new opportunity to serve in the church and kingdom of God.