April 29, 2010

Semester is Over

This has been a long semester back in school. When you're talking about schedules, classes and what fits where it didn't seem like it would be so hard. But each class required so much extra work outside of class for homework. That wouldn't have been so bad except each class also had a lab which required almost as much work as the lecture but didn't give you any extra credit for the extra effort. So it felt like I was taking 7 classes instead of 4 (my psychology class didn't require a lab).

Although it was quite a struggle I felt like I was able to achieve a semblance of balance between classes until finals! My finals felt like all my tests were at one time and I just couldn't quite handle that much study and information cramming! To make matters worse, a large percentage of the class grades are based on the final exams (which are comprehensive by university policy). I really feel like I have tripped and fallen in sight of the finish line. I'm hoping that the rest of my classwork, previous tests and a generous curve will help to rectify my average performance on my final exams.

However, now that this semester is finally over I'm excited that I get to see my family again. Except for our family scriptures and breakfast in the mornings and FHE on Monday night I haven't really seen them this semester. Since I only have one more pre-req to finish (just 1 class) and work I should easily double my family time! Who knows, I may even get to practice Mario Kart (Wii) and be able to give David a run for his title as racing champion!

Hopefully, I'll also be able to catch up on a few highlights that actually did occur during this semester but which were never recorded and published due to my crazy schedule!