March 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Uncle Kyle

We wanted to do something nice for Uncle Kyle on his birthday.  So Michelle made a cheesecake and some chocolate rice crispy treats.  Uncle Kyle loved those items but wouldn't comment on the amazing Jones chorus.

(posted 10/31/11)

March 23, 2011

Quinten Gets A Haircut

Quinten finally reached that significant milestone in his life, his first haircut. This boy doesn't have thick, dark hair so we've waited quite a while before making this step. But the time finally came. I'd say that he did remarkably well sitting in the chair while Michelle cut his hair.

And he turned out extremely handsome, if I do say so myself.

March 20, 2011

All Tuckered Out

Poor Quinten! He didn't get a very good nap today and was getting especially awnry while we were trying to get dinner ready. Finally I'd had enough of the screaming and crying, along with the temper tantrums and fussing, so I put him in his room. The immediate peace and relative quiet was heaven-sent. But it didn't take long before we began to realize that it was a little too quiet. I went to check on my little man to make sure he was okay and discovered my little bundle of joy curled up in the laundry basket. I guess it's time to get him to bed.

March 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Michael

We celebrated Michael's birthday with some cake, ice cream and presents.  We didn't invite any friends over this year in order to keep things low key and simple (raising 5 boys can be a lot of work!).  Michelle made a nice sheet cake which was more than enough cake for everyone.
Michael was pleased to be the center of attention today.  He picked out the ice cream that he wanted for his birthday.
But the best part of the day was getting to open his presents.  We're excited that he's excited.

Happy Birthday Michael!  You're growing up so fast and we're so proud of you.

(Posted 10/31/11)

Miniature Golfing at Trafalga

This year we decided to invest some money in the "Pass of all Passes". This is the season pass to 7-peaks water park but it has been combined with a few other local attractions. Trafalga happens to be one of those attractions and we decided to take the family and go miniature golfing. Because it is cold outside we decided to try their indoor (blacklight) course. When the weather warms up we'll be sure to visit the 2 outdoor courses too.

We haven't been miniature golfing very often so we did our best to give the boys a quick lesson in how to hold the golf club and not hit the other nice people with your ball. We were mostly successful and didn't loose any balls (although there were some close calls).

By the 18th hole the boys were getting the hang of it.

Even Aleky was doing pretty good. We didn't keep score because the boys required too many swings but they had fun and that's what counts.

March 12, 2011

Provo City's Science-Palooza

We made it to Provo's annual Science-Palooza this year. The boys had a ton of fun since they already had an idea of what to expect. These guys just jumped right in.

Here they are learning about blood, what makes up blood and how important it is for the human body.

David is trying his hand at panning for gold. It takes a few tries but he finally scores his golden keepsake.

Quinten stays contained in his stroller for his own protection and so we can keep track of him with so many distractions running around. He did good for most of the activity but was ancy to get out by the end of the day.

The boys tried their hand at catching carbon dioxide bubbles. They discovered that the glove was the key to success.

A little black light art lighten things up, and not just on paper either.

The video is a brief synopsis of the science palooza and some of the other activities that were there.

March 6, 2011

Hex Bug in the Lego Maze

David got a "hex bug" for his birthday and the family was excited to help him test out his new little toy. So we brought the legos into the kitchen and built a little maze on the table for the bug to explore. Everyone contributed (except Quinten, he just tried to pull the maze down to the floor for closer examination) and helped to create the maze. We included bridges and turns to make the bug feel right at home. The boys loved it and could have kept playing if it wasn't already bedtime.

March 4, 2011

Donovan's School Program

Donovan joined his kindergarden classmates to share what they have been learning in their singing/choir class this year. While lacking a certain synchronicity in action they exuded enthusiasm. What more could a parent ask for? Good job Donovan!