August 25, 2011

Reroofing Our House (Day 3)

We started off the day with the paper on the front of the house and all of the back to go.  At least the shingles were already here so we didn't have to wait to get started.  Since this was the third day of the project we did have a super start but there were a few faithful saints who gathered to keep things moving forward.

The relief society took care of water and refreshments.  They had some awesome sandwiches for lunch.  During the heat of the day we have everyone come off the roof.  It was just too hot to ask anyone to work up there.

While the rain kept threatening, the prayers of the faithful kept all but a few drops from landing on our house.  It was as if Heavenly Father was letting us know he would not destroy our house by rain.

(posted 10/31/11)