October 2, 2011

David Goes to General Conference

My boys have done a fantastic job of watching conference this weekend.  David and Donovan watched all 4 regular sessions of conference.  Michael and Aleky made it through 3 1/2 sessions, which isn't bad for that age group.  I was excited to take David to his first live session of conference now that he's 8 years old, the minimum age for attendance at this semi-annual event.
David has been complaining about "having to go" to conference.  But once we were on our way he was humming a different tune.  From the moment we hit Salt Lake City he was non-stop jabbering about everything he saw.  It was great to see his excitement finally bubbling forth. 

We had seats on the balcony but they were right in the middle of the conference center so it was a perfect position.  David was admiring everything from the TV cameras and monitors to the organ and the general authorities seated on the stand.  I finally had to remind him that conference was like church and we had to be reverent while the Apostles were talking. 

David took a page of notes in his journal from the things that the general authorities said.  He was very proud of having so much to record in his journal.  I'm very proud of him.  He asked me, as the closing song was being sung, "Daddy, thank you for bringing me to conference.  Can we come back for next conference?"  I'm pretty sure we can work something out for a kid who is this excited about attending conference.
(pictures from my camera phone)