February 16, 2012

Neti Pot Magic Trick

A couple of our boys are starting to get stuffy noses and we suspect a disease is trying to invade.  Ironically, we have been much healthier this year compared to the past few years.  Not so long ago Michelle discovered the Neti Pot to combat sinus issues and she wanted to try it out on Aleky who is one of our sufferers.  Due to the nature of the treatment Michelle thought a more comical approach might do the trick in getting Aleky to be a happy and willing participant.

Michelle told the boys she was going to do a magic trick.  The trick was that she would pour some water into one nostril and the water would come out of the other nostril.  The boys were game and David was the first volunteer.  If things went well Aleky was supposed to volunteer to try it too.  Michael did volunteer but his experience didn't go so well.  I think that might have killed some of the enthusiasm we were trying to build.  Donovan wouldn't try it at all.  But it was great watching the two boys give it whirl (pour?).