March 22, 2012

Emory University Says No

It has been a sad day (or two).  I received my much anticipated letter from Emory University. 

"I regret to inform you that you were not selected for a place in next year's class."  It was hard to read those words after all that we've done in anticipation of being accepted. 

I received an email yesterday with a digital copy of the same letter but I was hoping that there may have been a mistake and that the real letter today would actually say I was accepted or at least on the waiting list.  But apparently it was not meant to be.

I'm not sure what we're going to do now.  This will certainly be a time of much more prayer and fasting as we try to figure it out.  I am grateful to the many friends and family who who joining us in prayer.  With this much faith on our behalf there must be something even better on the horizon.

We often talk about being grateful for the "many blessing that we enjoy."  I guess today we get to practice being grateful the rest of the blessings that come our way.