August 14, 2012

Painting the Boy's Room

We have landed into a fortuitous set of circumstances.  We are getting two bunk beds for our boys.  This great change in our fortunes brings with it a certain amount of work.  The bunk beds won't fit into the boys room but they will fit into our room.  And if we're going to switch bedrooms with the boys, now would be the best time to get the bedroom painted.  It's been on our to-do list since we bought the home six years ago but we're just getting around to painting the bedroom. 
We want to paint the ceiling a flat white and the walls our signature tan.  In order to do it right we are cleaning and sanding the walls so that the latex paint will actually stick to the walls.  This project is turning out to be bigger than I remember!

Since we haven't actually switched rooms yet were are living in the construction zone...not the most pleasant of circumstances I can assure you.  But if we keep everything covered while we work it should keep things clean.

Now that the ceiling is done we are getting the walls painted.  The painting isn't hard by itself but having to maneuver around everything adds an element of challenge.

And we can't forget all the corners in the closet.  Not only that but Michelle has decided that she wants a semi-gloss white on the top half of the closet because boys will be storing their stuff up there and the white will help the closets seem brighter.

We just need to finish this coat and apply a second coat and we'll be done with this room.  I don't know if we're going to have the energy to paint the other room now that we're moving to that one!  This is just a lot of work.