October 31, 2012

Halloween at BYU

Halloween snuck up on us fast this year but I think we managed to pull things together just in the nick of time.    We found out about a spooktacular event being held on BYU campus so we thought that would be fun.  So we loaded up the boys and went to explore the fun.  

The event at BYU was okay.  The best part of the event was the face painting and the large inflatable toys that the boys could jump on.  So we did that and then we left for some trick or treating.

Gidean, the pirate!

Aleky, superman with a spider?

The other boys follow their younger brother's examples. 

Michael, the batman

Donovan, the ghost

David, the batman

After the spooktacular we went trick or treating in our neighborhood.  Mostly we just wanted to show off our costumes to our friends and neighbors.  The problem is that whenever you knock on a door on Halloween, our friendly neighbors insist on giving the boys candy!  We had a lot of fun and stayed out much too late, returning home with way too much candy!  Happy Halloween!!!