July 30, 2013

Gidean Plays in the Firepit

I don't normally clean out our firepit.  Most of the time we let the fire burn itself out and the remaining ash doesn't cause any harm.

I suppose they still haven't cause any harm but Gidean certainly discovered that they are very dirty.  With a little help from his big brother Quinten he was able to get his hair done too!

Needless to say, I felt a strong prompting to dispose of the ashes from our firepit to reduce the childish hair-styling instincts my boys have demonstrated.

July 23, 2013

Clay Creations

Michael check out a book from the library called "Simple Clay Projects" and has been asking and asking and asking me if we can make them. I finally had a few moments here and there so we started creating. Over the course of about 2 weeks we made the dough, formed the Creations, let the creations dry for a while, painted them, sprayed a finish coat on them, and put on Google eyes. I had lots of fun with my boys and I think the boys had fun too.