I can’t help but be amazed at my little family. They are full of (mostly wonderful) surprises.
David is growing up to be a very mature young man. He helps to fix breakfast, change diapers , clean up the house and do his studies. He has become an avid reader and a budding artist.
Donovan is hyper and full of energy, full of life. He is a goof but in a fun and uplifting way and we love him for it. He is very smart and always learning. He is showing talent as a piano player and he loves to play games.
Michael is our compassionate soul. He is often helping mommy fix meals and is always playing on the piano. His is interested in all sorts of crafts and is our most inquisitive boy, usually choosing books from the library that he can learn from.
Aleky is carefree and happy. He could play all day and night if we let him. He love games and lives in his imagination. He is always looking to have fun and can lighten the mood of any situation.
Quinten is trying to be a big boy and participate in the big boy games. He loves to be with mommy but he is usually quite content to play with his little brother Gidean. Those two will play for hours together and it is wonderful.
Gidean is a bucket of joy. He is trying so hard to keep up with his brothers but he certainly loves his mommy. He is developing a very strong opinion and is not afraid to let you know how he feels about something. He loves to be loved and loves to play with his brothers any chance he gets.
My boys are amazing and I know they have unlimited potential. And while there are times of frustration I know they are just boys and they won’t stay boys for very long. I am working hard to enjoy these times where they are children before they are all grown up and gone. And the time is short. But I am grateful that I can be here with them as they are growing, learning and developing into amazing young men.
Our Children Can Do The Impossible