August 27, 2008

David Starts Kindergarden

Today is the big day! David has officially started kindergarden. It has been a struggle for Michelle to decide which school he should attend. We had the choice of three schools: Farrer, Wasatch and Freedom Academy. Each school had its pros and cons.

Farrer was the closest school, most convenient and where most of David's friends will be attending. Wasatch has the best reputation in the area and isn't too far away (0.85 miles up 900 East). Freedom Academy is the best academics but they don't have the social and activity structure of the public schools (it is a charter school and we just found out today that he had the option to attend), and it is across town.

We decided to send David to Wasatch Elementary School. It is still relatively close, he's met the teacher, and there is a bus that drops him off after school about 2 blocks from our house. David is thrilled to be attending school and has be anxious all week but especially this morning. He has a post-it note on the clock to remind him what time we had to leave to get there on time; he's been checking the clock every 30 minutes, he had his backpack all packed last night, etc.

It was fun to watch David when we arrived at the school. He remembered right where to go and headed straight to class. Donovan and Michael tried to keep up but were so distracted by all the other school kids that they bumped into at least a half dozen students on their way to class. David hung up his backpack and began sorting his school supplies. When Michelle got there she helped David sort the rest of the supplies and paperwork. When we left David in his class Michael threw a minor tantrum because he wasn't going to be able to stay with David at school. We tried to explain that he had to be 5 years old and he is only 2 right now. Logic doesn't get you anywhere with kids!

Michelle has handled the seperation okay as she bid David farewell. I think that sending him to preschool last year has helped her transition this year. David was so cute giving both Michelle and I a hug and kiss before we left his room. It's amazing that he is growing up so fast!

The bird is the class mascot and has yet to be named.