August 28, 2008

Uncle Kyle Comes to Visit

We have been very blessed to have uncle Kyle living close by while he attends BYU. He is an engineering student and is usually quite busy studying. During the school year (fall and winter semesters) we get to see him once a week for Sunday dinner. Our boys look forward to that visit each week. On Sunday when he shows up the boys race for the door to be one who opens it for him.

This summer we have been especially blessed to see Uncle Kyle multiple times each week. He has been busy with an internship is South Provo but works early in the morning to early in the afternoon. Since he hasn't been in classes since the Spring term he has joined us for dinner quite regularly. He has also been very instrumental in helping with many of the household projects that we have in process. I'm not sure how we would have done it without his help. We're pretty lucky to have Uncle Kyle living so close.