For some reason I didn't realize that Monday was Memorial Day, a national holiday, until just a few days ago. So we didn't plan any cool trips or vacations. As Michelle and I discussed some options for this weekend we decided to see if any of our friends would also be here for the holiday. As it turned out there were a few friends that would still be in town; so we invited them over for a fire, dutch oven peach cobbler and some time to visit.
As it turned out the
Andersons, Bunkers, Gibbons and Simmons were able to stop by and visit with us and share the peach cobbler. Even though the day was over-cast the rain didn't come until after we had finished visiting and had cleared all of the chairs and tables from the patio.
As we anticipated the number of friends who would be there Michelle prepared 2 peach cobblers. As it turned out, the first cobbler was enough to give everyone their first serving. The second cobbler was there for everyone to have seconds. Not everyone was up to a second serving so I get to have more peach cobbler this week.
As we watched the kids play we realized that he had 10 little boys running around the yard, having a great time playing with each other. 10 boys and no little girls! There were 4 Joneses, 2 Bunkers, 2
Andersons, 1
Cates and 1 Gibbons.
(Aleky engages in mortal combat)
(While Aleky is fighting the boys are scrambling all over the playset)
(The boys go jeepin)
It was an enjoyable evening with good food and friends. Of course our boys were up way past their bedtimes. By the time the boys had their baths and were ready for bed it was shortly before 10 pm! But they had a blast! And we did too.