August 18, 2009

Back to School Night for David

We had the opportunity to go to David's "Back to School" night. We were able to meet his new teacher, Mrs. Ord and to see his classroom. David was so excited to show us his desk for this year. Each student has their own place for coats and backpacks. In case you were wondering, David is very excited to be in 1st grade! I think his favorite part is eating in the cafeteria!

While we wait for our turn to visit with Mrs. Ord, David takes a moment to teach Michael a few important things about going to school.

Our orientation was very brief and David was given his first assignment. He had to find his name on the three charts, distributed around the room, and answer the questions appropriately. This exercise was designed to help Mrs. Ord become more familiar with each student and for the students to get familiar with the entire room.

David is so excited that he is having trouble settling down to go to bed! Now how are we ever going to manage to maintain such amazing enthusiasm?

August 16, 2009

Bridal Veil Falls

After our ward camp out was over we decided to take a hike to the hot spring up Diamond Fork Canyon. We thought that since we were in the neighborhood we might as well take advantage of the opportunity. And while we were at it we thought we would discover the shorter route from the east side of the canyon.

Well, we found (what we believe to be) the trailhead to the hot springs! But by the time we got there the storm clouds rolling in (along with the lightning) looked pretty meanacing so we decided that our hike would need to wait for another day.

Now we had a problem. Our kids were expecting a hike. However, since they were all asleep at this point in the journey we decided upon a brillant plan "B". We just drove to Bridal Veil Falls for a much shorter hike. Our boys just knew we were driving and didn't really know which hike they were going on. So here we are at the trail head!

And off we go!
It was pretty level so the boys thought it was great.
Nothing is nearly as fascinating to our boys as any body of water where you can throw rocks. But when that water is a cool is that!
I got to walk with Aleky and he wanted to hold my hand all the way! How lucky am I?
Well, that hike didn't quite last 5 minutes so the boys wanted a little more adventure. We paused at the bottom of the falls for a picture but the boys wanted to play in the cold water. Then we directed them to a "trail" just east of the water.

Let's just say that the trails is much steeper than it looks. You can just see David coming up the rock slide.The trail proved too much for Donovan and Michael and they turned around and headed back down the mountain. I can't really blame them. After all, David slid half way down the mountain until mommy saved him. Since I was already at the top with Aleky I put David in charge while I went to rescue the rest of the family (that's how I discovered that they had turned around and gone back down).
After saving my family it was time for a victory photo.
The family did make it to the top but we had to find the real trailhead which is to the east of the waterfall, just across from the bridge (from the parking area).
The sun came back during our ascent and was quite warm. Under these warmer conditions we decided to let our boys play in the water at the bottom of the falls.
Michael (trying to decide what to do next)

Throwing rocks is always a hit but it's so cool to throw big rocks into the river.(Short video clip of the rock throwing)

The boys headed back to the car after so much fun in the water.

But how do you get them to walk together? The three oldest boys are all in this picture below...can you see them?

Michelle had anticipated a little bit longer hike so she had prepared a picnic lunch. So we stopped at the nearest picnic table and had lunch in the park. It was such a fun family outing.

August 15, 2009

Ward Campout

We went on the ward camp out this weekend. With things being so crazy we weren't sure if we wanted to try and stay the night or just head up for the evening activities. In the end we decided that it would be worth the extra effort to stay the night and let the boys have another camping experience. (It was good because daddy needs a little extra camping experience...especially setting up our tent! It took me at least twice as long as it should have taken.)
We all gathered around the campfire to listen to the bishop's (active participation) stories. The weather was threatening to rain but we only had some wind and a little cloud cover. By bedtime the stars were even coming out.

(Active Participation)

Matt was on official dutch oven dessert duty.
The wind got carried away (or should I say the tent got carried away?).

Breakfast on Saturday morning. The Bishopric did a fabulous job cooking pancakes, eggs, sausage, hash browns as well as providing fresh fruit, hot chocolate and juice.

August 11, 2009

Sam's Open House

We were fortunate enough to attend Tyrel and Samantha's open house. Apparently Tyrel's mother thought a carnival setting would be great, especially with all of the little children who might be in attendance. And we are grateful for this planning and foresight.

Right off the bat Michael found the cotton candy!

And what a nice big brother, to share with Aleky.

The climbing wall was a big hit with our family. Even Grandma Petersen took a turn.

Aleky tried to climb too.

I even had the chance to scramble to the top.

Once the boys saw their cousins going all the way to the top of the wall they were hooked! They each tried going up several times (except Michael who was happy on the ground).

David and Donovan scramble up the wall.



They love these inflatable slides and had to make a couple more trips before we went home.

Here are a few clips of the climbing wall...

August 10, 2009

Painting the Kitchen

We've lived in our house for over three years now and we are still planning on painting the kitchen. I think Michelle decided to get the process started. But it is tough trying to decide which color combinations fit our kitchen with the wood we already have. And then there's the flow from one room to another. Clearly there is a lot to consider. But at least we've taken the first step.

Now we just need to decide so we can proceed to step number 2!

August 7, 2009

Harvest Time

Michelle's hard work this summer is beginning to pay off. It's harvest time! It's almost overwhelming trying to keep up with the produce that our garden is producing this year. It is very exciting to know that we were able to produce all of these vegetables from our very own garden. It's also very delicious.

Take a look at these tomatoes. We tried a few growing techniques this year. The results are fabulous but we may have not try the sprawling tomato plant again next year.

The boys were excited to be drafting into service. We made them shuck their own corn for dinner. They were so excited that they shucked my corn to (while I was at work). It's great to have so many big helpers around.

Even Aleky wanted to be a part of the process and he shucked his corn too.

August 6, 2009

It's A Boy (Consolation Prize)

The Simmons are some of the best neighbors we've ever had. Since they know we are expecting our next baby they have been almost as eager as we are to find out what we are having. As good neighbor the even knew when our doctor's visit was.

As soon as we arrived home Elisa managed to get the information from David that we we're having a baby boy. Now Elisa knows I've been hoping for a girl so she must have assumed that we were somewhat disappointed by the news that we are having another boy, not a girl. That night she brought over a couple of consolation prizes to lift our spirits. (I don't think Elisa knew that Michelle was excited to find out that we were having another boy.)

The first present was for the new baby boy. It was a cute onesie. Our boys were excited to help open the present to see what was inside.

The second present was for Michelle. I suppose it was to lift her (already elated) spirits.

However, Michelle graciously shared her present with the rest of the boys!

I am excited about another boy. It was a bitter pill to swallow when I first heard the news that we were not having a girl (and I still would like to have daughter). But I love my boys. They are awesome and another boy will be great. I may have to get a second job once the boys hit their growth spurts and start eating us out of house and home, not to mention camping gear, guns & ammo, gas to all sorts of high adventure opportunities...It's gonna be great! I hope Michelle can keep up with us boys!