August 6, 2009

It's A Boy (Consolation Prize)

The Simmons are some of the best neighbors we've ever had. Since they know we are expecting our next baby they have been almost as eager as we are to find out what we are having. As good neighbor the even knew when our doctor's visit was.

As soon as we arrived home Elisa managed to get the information from David that we we're having a baby boy. Now Elisa knows I've been hoping for a girl so she must have assumed that we were somewhat disappointed by the news that we are having another boy, not a girl. That night she brought over a couple of consolation prizes to lift our spirits. (I don't think Elisa knew that Michelle was excited to find out that we were having another boy.)

The first present was for the new baby boy. It was a cute onesie. Our boys were excited to help open the present to see what was inside.

The second present was for Michelle. I suppose it was to lift her (already elated) spirits.

However, Michelle graciously shared her present with the rest of the boys!

I am excited about another boy. It was a bitter pill to swallow when I first heard the news that we were not having a girl (and I still would like to have daughter). But I love my boys. They are awesome and another boy will be great. I may have to get a second job once the boys hit their growth spurts and start eating us out of house and home, not to mention camping gear, guns & ammo, gas to all sorts of high adventure opportunities...It's gonna be great! I hope Michelle can keep up with us boys!