August 5, 2009

Oh Boy...It's a Boy!

Yesterday Michelle went in to see her doctor. This is a different doctor than we have seen for Michelle's previous pregnancies. So we were surprised to discover that through out this pregnancy we will have 3 ultrasounds performed! (We're used to just a single ultrasound at 20 weeks.)

The good news is...the baby seems to be growing and developing just fine, about 1 week ahead of schedule.

The bad news is...there is no bad news! However, I would be lying if I didn't admit I was a little bit disappointed to discover that we are having baby BOY #5. I really did have my heart set of finally having my little princess. And I thought I had provided enough body guards to get her through those rough years. But it seems I'm destined to supply the church's missionary force single-handedly.

Michelle was very excited at the news of another boy. She loves our 4 boys and feels very comfortable raising boys. A girl hasn't appealed to her as strongly as it has appealed to me. So Michelle was gloating the rest of the evening that she had been right (in her guess that we were having a boy) all along.

We're all very excited about the arrival of this new child. The boys are excited and can't wait to play with their new brother. I don't think they realize that it might take a few months before he'll really be able to run, play, slide down the slide, etc. But we have a few more months to help them get mentally and emotionally prepared (after all, every single boy will be a big brother!).

Our biggest challenge with having another boy is finding another boy name. Michelle has come up with Quintin Khayyam. She was thrilled when our sister-in-law (Tosha) also came up with that name. What other names might work for our 5th boy?