While that has been pretty tough Michelle has been stranded at home with 5 boys 6 years old and under. That may be slightly more intense than my rigorous studies. So after my exam I came home and let Michelle escape for a few hours. While she was gone I was able to feed my boys lunch and then go to the park. So off we went, Donovan, Michael, Aleky and Quinten to the park across from the church.
The boys had a fabulous time. And they were going full speed the entire time. I was able to catch a few precious moments.
Michael and Aleky wanted to swing on the swings like Donovan. So I gave 'em a push (or three) and they thought that was the best. That lasted for at least 3 minutes before they were off to more exciting parts of the park.
And I got a few precious moments in the sun with my boys! What a great mid-day activity.