August 29, 2011

Reroofing Our House (Day 5)

Complete at last!!!  Today we finished up the last few minor details including the wishing well.  The dumpster was hauled off too.  We can finally sleep peacefully when it rains.  We still need to collect our rain collectors from the attic since they will no longer be needed! Hurray!

We want to than the Bonneville 5th Ward for all of your help this week to complete this badly needed and overdue home repair.  There is no way we could have done this without you.  THANK YOU!
(posted 10/31/11)

August 26, 2011

Reroofing Our House (Day 4)

We are finally nearing the end of the project!  Laying down the shingles is the quickest part of the process.  We start today with the front nearing completion and the back partially done.

These are the dedicated and stalwart neighbors who were there to the bitter end.  The little details sure take a lot of thought and effort to complete.  However, using the nail guns can be fun...and addicting.  We had fun rotating and shooting the nails as we got the shingles down.

(posted 10/31/11)

August 25, 2011

Reroofing Our House (Day 3)

We started off the day with the paper on the front of the house and all of the back to go.  At least the shingles were already here so we didn't have to wait to get started.  Since this was the third day of the project we did have a super start but there were a few faithful saints who gathered to keep things moving forward.

The relief society took care of water and refreshments.  They had some awesome sandwiches for lunch.  During the heat of the day we have everyone come off the roof.  It was just too hot to ask anyone to work up there.

While the rain kept threatening, the prayers of the faithful kept all but a few drops from landing on our house.  It was as if Heavenly Father was letting us know he would not destroy our house by rain.

(posted 10/31/11)

August 24, 2011

Reroofing Our House (Day 2)

Today started with another beautiful blue sky and a bare roof, at least in the front.  We have the front sheeted and the back has just a little bit of clean up and shingle removal left before we can get it sheeted.

We haven't had the number of workers today like we had yesterday.  Since we're not removing shingles it has worked out okay.  Our shingles and other roofing supplies showed up before we were expecting them.  (When we went to order the shingles we were told that they would not be delivered before Wednesday afternoon and they wouldn't be delivered until they were paid in full.)  To our surprise, the shingle delivery truck showed up at 11:00 am and started dropping shingles and supplies up on the partially sheeted roof!

Needless to say, I was a little disappointed that things hadn't worked out quite like I had anticipated.  In fact, I hadn't paid for them on purpose, so they wouldn't be delivered just yet.  Oh well, I guess we just do the best we can.

With the roof cleared in back we were able to start sheeting the back side of the roof.  We did run into some problems as we were trying to figure out how to work around the working swamp cooler.  Our idea was to remove the swamp cooler in the morning while it was cool, sheet around it and the replace it before it got too hot.  It sounds reasonable especially since we still haven't cleaned out the five layers of shingles it's attached too.  However, we haven't made it that far today so we'll figure it out tomorrow.

August 23, 2011

Reroofing Our House (Day 1)

We are lucky enough to have been chosen as our ward's service project for this year.  I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing but we certainly can use the help.  Our roof has been leaking ever since we bought our home.  This spring was exceptionally wet, setting and breaking records.  I think our hometeacher felt bad when he discovered that during these times of excessive rain our roof turned into an opened faucet inside our house.  In order to stem the waterfall we had large buckets strategically positioned to catch these flowing torrents of rain.

Upon discovering our plight, our hometeacher took the news to the Bishop and the wheels were set in motion.  Essentially, the ward agreed to provide the manpower, expertise and tools and we provide the materials.  With a little help from our experienced High Priests, we were able to find a pretty good deal on roofing supplies.  In fact, Brother Andersen helped us estimate the size of our roof and how much we needed in supplies so we could just go shopping for the needed items.

Here we are, Day 1!  We have the old white leaky roof and the first workers are already on the scene.  We have the dumpster positioned for shingle collection and we're ready to go.  Brother Andersen showed up at 8:00 am to supervise this first stage of the process, stripping the old shingles off the roof.

We started in the North East corner of the house, the gable over our bedroom.  We were not trying to save shingles but we started carefully in the corner to try and determine just how many layers of shingles were on the roof.  We had received roof bids earlier this summer and one contractor offered to to a "roof over" job.  But, as everyone knows, you can't have more than three layers of shingles on your roof and I was pretty sure we had at least three layers already.

As more workers showed up we tried to count the layers as we went.  At this point we're pretty confident that there were at least FIVE layers of shingles.  How could this be, you may ask...?  There were three layers of shingles.  But under those three layers we found two more layers.  It appears that after the first two layers of asphalt shingles had been laid, someone laid tar paper and a new drip edge and started the first of three layer additional layers.  So, to the casual observer, there were only three layers.  But in stripping the roof we clearly went through 5 layers of shingles.

Five layers poses a real problem to the work.  First, it was taking us longer than expected to get the shingles off.  Second, our dumpster was only supposed to fit up to two layers of shingles for a roof our size.  Third, not related to shingles, we were working in a record breaking heat wave!  Our ward must really love us to go through the efforts during a heat wave!

With everyone working so hard our kids were left to fend for themselves.  Fortunately school has started (half-days) so David and Donovan are distracted by their education.  But the younger children were supposed to stay in the backyard, or (even better) in the basement.  Obviously, Quinten decided to play a supervisory roll at one point this afternoon.

Although it has been nothing but clear blue skies, it was decided that we start getting the roof resheeted.  The roof was originally done with 1x6 slats, most likely for wood shake shingles.  However, the sheeting has never been upgraded, part of the contributing problem with the roof leaks.  Once the front of the house was cleared we immediately started the sheeting process.

A small crew worked in front and the rest worked in back clearing the rest of the shingles off the roof.  We had removed all of the rain gutters from the front of the house but the back rain gutter is a seamless gutter.  Because of its length it had not been removed and we noticed this little problem about the time the shingles were starting to pour off the roof.  We immediately went to work with four guys to support the rain gutter (three to hold, one to release/remove).  The rain gutter came down quickly and we were back in business removing five layers of old shingles.

This is the mess we were able to avoid by throwing the shingles directly into the dumpster in the front.  Carrying the shingles to the dumpster from the back wasn't a realistic option.

At the end of the day we nearly had the entire roof cleared!  That was a lot of hard, hot work but we made some amazing progress.

We just have the North West corner of the house, over the boys bedroom, left to clear.  We still have the sheeting to complete before we can start putting the new shingles on the roof.  Tomorrow we should be able to get the roof sheeted and papered in preparation to start shingles on Thursday.

August 12, 2011

Uncle Kyle Graduates

We're proud to say the Uncle Kyle has graduated from BYU.  We're especially excited for Uncle Kyle because he has been a frequent dinner guest in our home these past few years.  Our boys have looked forward to those dinners with Uncle Kyle.  He even has a place at the head of the table reserved just for him.  Now that he is graduated and has a real job we won't get to have him around for dinners anymore.

Congratulations Uncle Kyle!  We're proud of your accomplishment and wish you the best as you move forward with life.  And we'll miss having you around as our frequent dinner guest.