July 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Gidean

My baby turned 1 year old! It doesn't seem like it's already been a year since Gidean joined our family.  Now he's already having birthdays.  Since he won't remember this birthday we decided we could invite our friends over to celebrate with us and Gidean wouldn't mind.
As it turns out, as long as he had some cake he didn't complain.  I love these kinds of birthdays.  Everything is perfect from his point of view.

The kids took advantage of the situation and had a blast jumping on the trampoline.
Part of the birthday activities was turning the home made ice cream.  Everyone took a turn but the kids burnt out quickly and went back to playing.

The kids having cake and ice cream.

The adults visiting and eating cake and ice cream.

The ice cream mustache.

Time for bed!!!

We're certainly grateful for our friends who were able to come and celebrate with us.  Gidean had a fabulous time and everyone else had fun too.