July 14, 2012

Head Trauma

Today has turned into the day of head trauma at our house.  This morning Aleky is playing with his brothers and he falls off the chair and hits his head on the bottom door hinge.  Since the gash was pretty big we figured we had to take him into the doctor.  After all, we didn't want something like that getting infected.  It was still an hour and a half trip to visit the nurse practitioner.

Before he got his staples the NP gave Aleky a set of gloves.  I guess it was kind of like a reward for being so brave.  He did really well only wincing as they put four staples in his head.


After Gidean's birthday party was over the boys were all playing their own games, just kind of doing things on their own.  All of a sudden there is a wail from the kitchen.  Quinten tried to take a close-up look at one of our pocket flashlights.  Apparently things got a little to clear for him.  But the doctor visits have been concluded for the weekend.  He gets to have a band-aid and some TLC.

It is time to just finish today.  We're all just a little bit tired and on edge, maybe a little over the edge.