We had planned a double date with Neil and Kelley Johnson, to go and play in Salt Lake City. Obviously there was some travel time to calculate into our day. And our babysitter was Grandma Petersen, out in Grantsville. We did the math and even added in some extra time just in case we ran into some delays along the way. It shouldn't have been too tough. Our first stop was the Salt Lake Temple for the 3:00 session.
It is amazing how quickly time flies when you're having fun. We had the kids all packed and loaded into the car ahead of schedule (a little bit). And then we started the "little errands" along the way. First we dropped some dishes off here and some ingredients off there. Next we had to swing by this store and pick up several things from that store. And all of a sudden we realized that we were behind schedule! It's still a mystery how we lost so much time but we found ourselves about 15 minutes behind schedule! It doesn't seem like a lot and normally I would have been pretty pleased with myself.
We made it to Grantsville and took the kids in along with all of the stuff. Grandma Petersen just looks at us and says, "you're not gonna make the 3:00 session." Well we run out the door anyway and call the Johnsons just to find out where they're at and let them know we're running just a little behind schedule. We made it to Salt Lake City, Temple Square in fact, at 2:45! If we could have found a place to park we still might have made it...but apparently everyone heard we were coming to Temple Square and were eager to see us make our grand entrance and they all forgot to leave us a special parking spot. So after several laps around the conference center parking garage we manage to find a lone spot that we could squeeze our vehicle into.
At this point there was no need to run or rush to get to anywhere since we had a full hour before the next session would begin. We wandered up to the conference center and admired the set-up for the Christmas devotional. It is simply amazing to see how large the conference center really is! We met up with the Johnsons at the conference center and headed over to Temple Square. Since it was cold we decided not to dilly-dally and headed straight inside where it was warm.
At this point it would have been helpful to know some of the local customs. In particular, we didn't know about bringing the parking ticket with you so that you can get a token, a get out of parking free pass. The nice temple worker just looked at me with one of those gazes that you don't want to endure for too long but reluctantly gave me a token anyway with a stern admonition to remember the ticket in the future and to tear up the ticket in the car. It might not have been so bad except I had already forgotten my tie! It was in the "stuff" we took into Grandma's house with the kids. Having now been sufficiently humbled we headed into the temple to change clothes for the 4:00 temple session.
I think it was good to have a little extra time in the chapel to get myself spiritually organized for the upcoming session. Having missed our planned 3:00 session, no tie, driving endlessly around the parking garage and not bring the ticket about had me at my wits end. Fortunately, I've had too much experience make silly situations so I think I handled it okay.
The temple session was great. I really enjoyed the beauty of the Salt Lake Temple. And I especially enjoyed moving from one room to the next, walking hand in hand with my sweetheart! You don't get to do that in just any temple. And since it's been a little while since we've been to the temple together is made for a special time.
Once the session was over we quickly changed clothes. Neil and I were waiting for Kelley and Michelle, who had managed to take a least one wrong turn and eventually came wandering out from one of the many other hallways in that temple. The claimed it was intentional but I wasn't convinced. We sent the ladies to The Garden restaurant to get a reservation while Neil and I headed back to the cars to put away some of the extraneous apparel. We quickly rejoined our spouses in the crowded lobby. On the way to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building we passed crowds of people enjoying the Christmas lights but one couple stood out of the crowd. It was the beautiful blushing bride trying to wedding pictures amidst the teaming masses and the frigid night air! What some people will do for a picture...
Our wait was supposed to be 30 minutes but when your hungry I think time slows down just a bit. In any case we soon had our table and quickly placed our orders. The meal was wonderful and we enjoyed a view of the Salt Lake Temple, all lit for the holidays (at least the grounds are decorated for the season, not so much the temple itself).
After dinner we had to make a difficult decision, do we walk around and enjoy the lights, get in line for the Joseph Smith movie at the Legacy theater, or call it a night so we can get home at a decent hour. With this being our one chance for freedom we didn't feel that going home was the best decision so we choose to watch the movie.
The Johnsons had already seen the movie but they assured us that it was worth watching a second time. We have wanted to watch this movie for some time so we were excited to watch it. We didn't have to get tickets but the usher let us know that the previous 2 shows had been completely full and we should get in line immediately. So we headed to their antechamber to wait the 30 minutes until the show was to start. Neil opted for the power-nap to re-energize himself for the remainder of the night (we still have to count travel time back!). Finally our 9:00 show was ready to start and we headed in for some great seats right in the middle of the theater. Lucky for us, Kelley stopped and grabbed some extra Kleenex so that we could get through the movie.
It was truly an amazing depiction of the life of Joseph Smith Jr. It is one of those movies in which they did such a good job I'm almost afraid to let my kids watch it until they are older. Joseph went through some amazingly cruel trials (and that doesn't even mention all the things the other saints went through). It was a moving movie and certainly gives you a better appreciation for all the Joseph did to bring about the restoration of the gospel.
After the movie we had to take in some of the lights. So we walked briskly, took a few pictures and then headed for the cars. It was a fantastic evening. In spite of the drama we had a wonderful time, a spiritually uplifting and invigorating time. And it doesn't hurt to have a little break from 4 amazing, adorable, animated and spirited children.