The morning snow storm brought perfect snowman snow so we took advantage of this blessed gift and created a 6 foot snowman (actually it's probably taller than that since I can barely reach to the top of the head to put on the hat!). David was excited about rolling the snowballs in the snow but I think he was confused about the process of making a snowman and just making huge snow balls.
The boys thought it was great fun to attack me with snowballs and chased me all over the yard. While I think I had more snowball hits it is probably safe to say that the boys won the battle.
One of the nice conveniences of our home is the access to the park. It's like having an unlimited amount of snow for our personal use! So we packed in some park snow so we could make a snow cave for our boys. We've made a lot of progress but at some point we decided that we do actually have to get work done today since it isn't actually the vacation day and we are quickly running out of time to finish Christmas preparations.
It is already starting to pile up on the clubhouse.