Sunday afternoon, after a nice Sunday dinner, we head out to see what options area available withing an hour of our home. We first tried going up Provo Canyon. To our disappointment, the area we wanted to scout out was chained off by Provo City! So we headed south toward Springville and Hobble Creek Canyon.
After driving for nearly an hour we finally left the pavement and headed into the hills. The boys thought it was great at first but after a while they were starting to lose their enthusiasm. Finally we spotted a nice side road and started down this new path. Michelle wanted to find a place that was on a side road of a side road of a side road; that should be private enough for us to have an enjoyable time.
Now that everything is planned we just have to figure out how to get everything to the campsite. We are trying to decide if we want to do a full dutch-oven dinner and a full eggs and pancakes breakfast or if we should go for the simple throw-it-together meals so we don't have a lot of effort for meals and we can enjoy an over night camping experience. I guess we'll see what we ultimately decide this week.