So far things are looking good. If we make it past July 24th with a thriving garden we know we have been successful. Of course, last year we had killed the garden the first time by Independence Day!
June 1, 2009
The Garden Begins to Grow
Michelle has put in a lot of time trying to make her garden successful. After the trials of last years garden, with 3 failed attempts, we anticipate that this year will be better. So far things are looking good.
Everything seems to be growing as it should, except the bulb onions. They haven't really even started growing. But we've had to thin the carrots and we've produced more lettuce than Michelle can eat (she tries to get the rest of the family to help her but we just aren't quite as excited as she is).
The 2nd half of the garden was just barely planted and it looks like it is coming up nicely as well. This half of the garden is more of the summer plants. The other half of the garden is the cooler weather crop.
Michelle has engineered her own special watering system. The main line is on a automatic timer and then each individual line has a manual shut-off valve to make sure that each row only gets the right amount of water. Of course there isn't anything we can do about all the rain we are getting (so the automatic watering system has been turned off).