December 25, 2009
Christmas with the Family
December 24, 2009
The Finger
The boys were being watched by our good neighbor Alin Schoenrock but she had previous obligations which required her attendance at 3:30 pm...about when I discovered the message revealing the dilemma. With no boss at work (already on vacation) I just approved my own leave and raced home.
I discovered what had happened to my Donovan. Apparently he had decided that it would be a good idea to make paper snowflakes. He retrieved the scissors, procured the appropriate snowflake paper and began to create the folds that would develop into magnificent snowflakes. In the meantime, Micheal happened upon the project and thought it would be fun to play with the scissors. While Michael was playing with the scissors Donovan became incensed at the loss of important project equipment and tried to grabbed the scissors and wrest them from the grasp of Michael. However, the reach was ill timed and ill place, almost eliminate his finger tip.
Donovan was a brave little trooper. Michelle was just as brave in handling the situation, getting baby sitting, transporting the injured child and contacting me. Obviously she is the mother of some very active boys.
On side of Donovan's finger wouldn't numb, even after repeated attempts using local anesthetic. So Donovan received 7 stitches and the nurse gave up on the last 2 stitches and just glued it closed. He then received some protective bandaging to prevent this very active boy from bending his finger and breaking open the stitches.
Here is a picture of the finger after it has had a few days to heal. If you look closely you can see the blue surgical threads of the stitches.
Needless to say, that put a cramp in our style for Christmas eve. We were hoping to deliver some neighborly holiday greetings, have some devotional time (reading Luke 2), and be together as a family. Instead, Michelle and Donovan hung out in the after-hours clinic and I was with the other boys at home. We are fortunate, however, that Donovan still has the finger.
December 20, 2009
Craziness at our house
In order for me to become a PA I am going to have to return to school. But in order to get into school I have to get qualified. While I have spent the last 8 years in real estate it hasn't helped me to get important pre-requisites accomplished and so I am going to be going back to school for a semester to complete my list of required classes. In addition, I have to gain a certain amount of time with practical experience in the medical field.
To gain experience in the medical field I actually have to get trained for that too. As a result, I have just completed my CNA training through the OrchardCNA program. The program was a 3 week program that basically went from 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Monday through Friday and from 6:00 am - 2 pm on Saturday. This provided the 80+ hours of training & clinicals that the state requires to qualify for certification. I just completed that program on Thursday and will be scheduling my state exams soon.
Working from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and then school from 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm and then reading/homework until 11:00 pm doesn't leave a lot of free time. So I don't really know what has been happening with my family over the past few weeks however I do know that they are still here!
Michelle just got back yesterday from a quick trip up to Grandma Petersen's house. They were celebrating "Grandma's Christmas" since they will be traveling this year and it is the "off" year for family visits. From the report they had a wonderful time. Friday night was packing, traveling and seeing the cousins! The packing and traveling part wasn't so much fun but the kids had a blast seeing the cousins. They had so much fun in fact, that they (the kids) didn't get to bed until after 11:00 pm. They just could not be contained.
Saturday morning was filled with all sorts of crafts including gingerbread Christmas tree construction, personalized snowflake assembly, and snowman creations. All of kids did wonderfully but I can't help but notice that Donovan has a certain knack for artistic creations, more so than any of my other boys.
Because of so much busyness during this season I have not been so diligent in maintaining this accounting but I hope to be better. This coming semester is going to be another busy time with full-time school and work but we share persevere.
December 15, 2009
A Trip To The Dentist

Everything turned out just fine! We are set for at least another 6 months. The boys did great once we got David on the chair. And each boy was excited for his "prize" after their check-ups. Yeah!
November 28, 2009
New Bathroom Sink Installed
November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving with the Family
In any case, we had a fabulous Thanksgiving meal hosted at Aunt Melissa's house this year. We created a table for the kids and most of the cousins (3 families represented - Boels, Joneses, Kims) were able to fit. Now eating was not a high priority item for the kids (especially my boys) but they stayed put because they had to wait for their cousins to continue playing.
November 13, 2009
New Addition to Our Family
November 1, 2009
Halloween 2009
This year Michelle decided to to Star Wars costumes. She was able to put together three young Jedi costumes; Aleky's costume was about half done so he got to be a Musketeer instead. We decided to stay in our neighborhood this year and visit our friends here. The boys were just excited to knock on the doors, say "Trick or Treat" and get candy. Of course, we were excited for our boys and to visit our friends and neighbors.
However, in spite of the food already shared we ended up with a lot of extra candy as the bishop carefully unloaded his bowl of candy into Donovan's bucket (behind Michelle's back--he was very sneaky!).
It was a lot of fun running around the east half of the ward. We ran out of time before we could visit the west half. Regardless of the shortness of time I think the boys got more than enough candy for a single night.
October 29, 2009
Jack-o-Lanterns 2009
October 21, 2009
Do We Have to Eat Dessert?
Each child finally made a decision and began eating. That was mildly surprising but the real jolt was about to happen...dessert!
What kid in the entire world doesn't want to eat dessert? Each kid ate their dinner and so we wanted to reward them for eating. So Michelle whips out the pie and ice cream. Sounds good, right? Well our boys literally started throwing fits, crying, moaning and wailing about having to eat dessert! More specifically, they didn't want to eat the pie (Razzle Berry Pie). Michelle had cut a thin sliver of pie for each boy, put it in a bowl and added ice cream. The boys acted as if the ice cream had been contaminated. David grudgingly ate his piece of pie but Donovan and Michael couldn't be coerced into eating their sliver of pie.
I really had to fight the feeling to laugh out loud when David first started throwing his tantrum over having his ice cream contaminated by the sliver of Razzle Berry Pie. He started to wail and moan and even created some crocodile tears. Truly an unexpected moment in the evening.
Does anyone else have kids that have issues with dessert?
October 17, 2009
Ward Activity - Fall Festival
The evening started in the third quarter of the BYU-SDSU football game with the score tied 21-21. But notwithstanding, there was still quite a decent turn-out. We did notice a few of the brethren who disappeared somewhere in the fourth quarter. Their faithful attendance (at least in spirit) to the football game proved enough to claim our school's 500th win (38-28 final score).
Our fall festival started out with the pot-luck dinner. The ward provided the hot dogs and hamburgers and the members provided chips, salads, and desserts. With ample time to eat the activities started around 6:45 pm. The booths that they had included the photo booth, face painting, fishing pond, ring toss, pumpkin derby, bowling and basketball shoot. Also included, but not as booths, were the largest/smallest pumpkin, bottling and pie eating contests.
Here we are at the photo booth. While this was the first booth, it also happened to be our last stop of the evening.
Our friends, the Andersons, were also there for a quick photo opp. at the same time.
Face painting was the boys first stop of the evening after "eating" dinner. While they had been talking about it all week, when the time arrived Aleky was the only one brave enough to get something painted on his face.
After seeing the courage of his little brother, David also summoned the courage to have a spider web painted on his face.
At the end of the evening Donovan finally mustered the courage to have a blue star painted on his forehead. I'm not sure he had fully recovered from the shock of the experience...
Eleanor also finally decided to have her face painted and she got a "bug on the face." While the whole experience wasn't thrilling, she survived and was very excited to see the picture of the butterfly on her cheek.
Another wonderful masterpiece from the Young Women artists (Sister Brienholt). It was too cute to pass up without taking a picture.
The primary's fishing pond was fun as each kid got to go fishing twice. Apparently there were enough "fish" for everyone to get two tries and each kid was success (on almost every cast).
Aleky's favorite stop of the whole evening was the young men's ball toss. He thought that he had died and gone to heaven. He just tossed the balls into the tubes and if anyone missed he was there to help on the rebound.
Michael finally got his turn to go bowling but it didn't quite go as planned. May be we need to let him practice a few more tosses before our next fall festival.
This pumpkin derby was an interesting race. You quickly built a "car" and place a small pumpkin on top (strapping it one with rubber bands) and then you race them down the ramp. My pumpkin came in 4th. I guess I need to work on my pumpkin aerodynamic designs for next year.
Michelle really wanted a piece of pie for dessert. However, all of the pies were being used for the pie eating contest. So she entered. While she didn't win she did get her piece of pie.
October 13, 2009
Aleky's Birthday Party

We started with letting the kids run wild in the back yard while Michelle quickly put the finishing touches on the cake. With the guidance and assistance of our resident pilot, Matt Badel, we were able to create a virtual replication of a modern day war plane...almost.
Next, we rounded up the kids for a quick art project. They had to decorate their luggage (goodie bag) and check it in. This went pretty well except everyone wanted the red marker at the same time.
Once they everyone had their own marker they really went to town. We just ran out of room so some of the kids had to find additional space elsewhere in the room.
After checking in the luggage we sang "Happy Birthday" to Aleky and then moved to the kitchen to eat the cake and ice cream. Our boys loved it, especially since they didn't really have time (or desire) to eat dinner!
After opening presents each kid picked up their luggage at the baggage claim. It was so wonderful to have so many friends come to support us with Aleky's birthday party.
Happy Birthday Aleky! You're growing up so fast. You won't be our little baby boy much longer but we still love you.