We decided to take the family to the final day of the season at Veterans Memorial Water Park. It is only $3 for each person ages 4+. I believe that they open at 1:00 pm-6:00 pm but we went from about 3:45-6:15. It was an awesome time with the boys.
David wanted to show me that he could swim under water (his swimming style only uses 1 arm because he has to use his other hand to plug his nose). Ever since David discovered goggles he's been an underwater tycoon.
Donovan was happy just to run around and splash in the water. He did go play on the toys some but mostly just splashed. Michael did seem very interested in getting wet. In fact, he resisted any attempt to get him into the kiddie pool.

Then we decided that it was time to try the "big" slides, the ones you have to climb up the stairs and wait in line for. I tried to find David so that he could be first but we suspect he was exploring a lost under water civilization because we couldn't find him. So I took Donovan down the big slide first. At the head of the slide is a torrent of rushing water and Donovan wasn't so sure about the slide idea after seeing that but after some gentle coaxing (I picked him up and sat him in the water, on the slide) we starting down the amazing, twisting, rushing, thrilling, splashing event known as the big slide. Once we were going Donovan had a blast and the moment we hit the splash pool at the bottom he was ready for round 2.
Donovan was bummed that he had to wait his turn for the big slide. But Michael was up (David was still exploring the under water civilization). Michael thought he was a big boy climbing up the stairs to the big slide. But his fears were magnified beyond those of Donovan at seeing the raging torrent of rushing water. No coaxing there, I just picked him up, sat him down and starting sliding. It took Michael 2/3 of the slide to discover that he really enjoyed the experience and he was ready to go upon splash down.
Finally David was located as he surfaced from his most recent dive. Michelle had enough of sitting on the sidelines and decided she would take David down the slide (we have to accompany any child under 48 inches and right now that's everyone!). I was going to dutifully take pictures of the exit into the splash pool and we were waiting for the signal that she was going. And then she appeared out of no where (she'd gone and failed to give the signal!).
Each boy was able to have a second slide and wanted to go more but we ran out of time. Elisa Simmons was there with Nathan and their 2 girls and they helped to watched our boys. At 6:00 we decided that it was time to head home. Our family had a wonderful time in the sun.