We had a fun New Year's Eve celebration with the Johnsons. But the preparations started much earlier in the day. Michelle had several items that she wanted to have at our little party and so she started working early. Ultimately she made a taco bean dip, cheese ball and eclair cake. We also had chips and salsa. The Johnsons brought over the little weenies, meatballs and a special cider drink (for which I'll have to get the recipe). Ultimately we decided that we had more than enough food for everyone there and we felt bad that more people were unable to make it.
We started around 6:30 with the first course of delectable. The boys were content watching a movie and we didn't have the heart to stir things up and create a commotion so we left them alone. We played several games through the evening. We started with Bohnanza.

This game ended in a tie! By the time this game was done we needed to put the boys to bed. Since the movie had finished it was a simple straight forward procedure.
With the boys in bed we began our second game, Killer Bunnies.

Michelle completely dominated this game leaving no doubt who was champion. Not being in the mood to be so thoroughly defeated again we switched games to Jamaica.

I apparently have a game learning disorder that prevents me from understanding some of the basics of any new game. As a result of this mental disorder I managed to lose, even while having a controlling lead, to Neil. Once again we switched games, searching for my niche so that I could finally win! We tried to new card game Rage.

True to form Neil won the game and I was the biggest loser!
In spite of the failed attempts to dominate the Johnsons in both the card game and board games categories, we had a marvelous time trying. The food was awesome and the company was even better. We paused at Midnight to welcome the New Year and then quickly concluded our final game and parted for the evening. We certainly appreciate having the Johnsons as friends and we're glad we could welcome the New Year with them.
We count it a blessing (right now) that David will wake up and find a way to amuse himself without waking us up, usually by turning on the WII. It has allowed us to catch up on some much needed sleep through this holiday season. Now that it is coming to an end we'll have to start getting up earlier so we can read scriptures and have a more structured start to our day.
As we start this new year we would like to wish everyone a