We were fortunate enough to attend Tyrel and Samantha's open house. Apparently Tyrel's mother thought a carnival setting would be great, especially with all of the little children who might be in attendance. And we are grateful for this planning and foresight.
And what a nice big brother, to share with Aleky.
The climbing wall was a big hit with our family. Even Grandma Petersen took a turn.
Aleky tried to climb too.
I even had the chance to scramble to the top.
Once the boys saw their cousins going all the way to the top of the wall they were hooked! They each tried going up several times (except Michael who was happy on the ground).
David and Donovan scramble up the wall.
They love these inflatable slides and had to make a couple more trips before we went home.
Here are a few clips of the climbing wall...