Today was yet another day for bottling the fruit collected from within the ward boundaries; the second of 3 scheduled bottling parties. By the end of today we estimated that we have bottled nearly 500 pounds of fruit that would otherwise have simply been wasted but is now preserved and ready to be used by happy families through out the coming year.
In preparing for today we were able to use 7 stoves and they would all be in use for the majority of the day.

We had about a dozen different people come to participate in the activity to help prepare, slice, dice and in all other ways get the fruit ready for bottling and processing.

Today's emphasis was on apples. We did apple sauce and apple slices in great abundance.

It was really quite the production. Fortunately we had the use of Dad Petersen's wall tent frame and tarp to provide some shade from the summer sun.

Around lunch time Saundra had prepared sandwiches for everyone who had been participating. I don't know how she made them but they were bagel dogs (hot dogs cooked inside of bagel doe. (I definitely need to get the recipe...for Michelle!)

We are certainly grateful to everyone who helped to process so much fruit and especially for the few who stayed to the bitter end (clean-up). We love to host these parties but sometimes the clean-up can really be a chore.
Fortunately we had enough help that we were done by 5:00 pm. That gave Michelle just enough time to jump in the shower and get ready to go to Women's Conference at 6:00 pm.