A fortuitous turn of events allowed David and Donovan to take swimming lessons this year. With the help of Grandma Petersen, we got the boys signed up for their lessons at the Provo Rec Center. The boys have been counting down the days until their lessons began. Michelle took them to their first few lessons but was beside herself trying to watch the boys swim and still keep an eye on Michael and Aleky who were running all over the place. So I was voted in as back-up driver/babysitter and got the opportunity to take the 4 boys to the rec center.
I didn’t realize that you don’t show up early because you can’t do anything until the instructors arrive and are ready to begin.
But once it’s time to begin you better not be late because they’ll just start without you! David has made some got strides forward and a few strokes backwards as well but I’m not sure I would classify him as a swimmer after these 2 weeks of lessons. I’m just happy that Donovan can put his head under water now. But the actually swimming for both boys is going to take a lot more work.
Unfortunately I wouldn’t recommend the Provo Rec Center to anyone thinking of swim lessons. There are several other options in the area and after talking with the other parents is was a pretty unanimous feeling, but what can you do at this point? At least the boys had fun. David and Donovan loved being in the pool regardless of outcomes. Michael and Aleky ran free in the balcony for 30 minutes each day thought it was awesome. I guess we’re all winner in that case!
I didn’t realize that you don’t show up early because you can’t do anything until the instructors arrive and are ready to begin.
But once it’s time to begin you better not be late because they’ll just start without you! David has made some got strides forward and a few strokes backwards as well but I’m not sure I would classify him as a swimmer after these 2 weeks of lessons. I’m just happy that Donovan can put his head under water now. But the actually swimming for both boys is going to take a lot more work.
Unfortunately I wouldn’t recommend the Provo Rec Center to anyone thinking of swim lessons. There are several other options in the area and after talking with the other parents is was a pretty unanimous feeling, but what can you do at this point? At least the boys had fun. David and Donovan loved being in the pool regardless of outcomes. Michael and Aleky ran free in the balcony for 30 minutes each day thought it was awesome. I guess we’re all winner in that case!
(waiting to start)(David Swimming - by dividing buoy)
(Donovan getting help)
(Aleky plotting his escape)