This year we decided to invest some money in the "Pass of all Passes". This is the season pass to 7-peaks water park but it has been combined with a few other local attractions. Trafalga happens to be one of those attractions and we decided to take the family and go miniature golfing. Because it is cold outside we decided to try their indoor (blacklight) course. When the weather warms up we'll be sure to visit the 2 outdoor courses too.
We haven't been miniature golfing very often so we did our best to give the boys a quick lesson in how to hold the golf club and not hit the other nice people with your ball. We were mostly successful and didn't loose any balls (although there were some close calls).

By the 18th hole the boys were getting the hang of it.

Even Aleky was doing pretty good. We didn't keep score because the boys required too many swings but they had fun and that's what counts.