We have my old purple sled from years ago but we were hoping to add a snow tube to the collection but to no avail. We did stop by the store and make a couple quick calls but in the end it was my old purple sled that would bear the load.
We arrived at Rock Canyon Park only to find that nearly every parking space had been filled, the entire "bowl" was teaming with happy sledders and it was going to be tough to find our own little piece of the hill. We scrambled up the hill to get a survey of the land. David couldn't contain himself now the he had a sled and a hill and he plopped himself in the sled. Donovan couldn't contain his enthusiasm either and was all to ready to help David to start their frolicking in the snow. Unfortunately didn't take into consideration the little building at the bottom of the hill (bathrooms) and Donovan pushed David down the hill and straight for the bathroom.
There was a moment were I thought he might just miss the building but he didn't. David just sat in the sled all the way down in spite of the inevitable and slammed into the corner of the building. There was a nice lady at the bottom of the hill that raced to his side to see if he was okay. I hurried down the hill to see the poor crash survivor. Through the tears we were able to determine that the point of impact was just under his right bum cheek. After some consoling we heading up the hill and decided we wanted to find a better spot that didn't had trees or buildings in the way. We located a vacant spot of hill about 100 yards around the "bowl" and camped out there for the next 90 minutes.
David managed to stay on injured reserve for about 3 minutes before he couldn't handle it anymore and he was sledding down the hill in full style. Michael was very cautious on the slopes and I was only able to get him on the sled twice in the entire trip. Donovan discovered that he could slide down the hill without a sled and spent most of his time on his bum skid. However, he did take his fair share of turns in the sled to speed down the hill even faster. David, on the other hand, quickly got back into the swing of things and dominated the sled time and was working on setting a new land speed record for sledding down the hill.
The snow around the entire "bowl" had been packed down previously so we were able to just jump in and slide. My boys thought it was the greatest thing on earth and want to go back tomorrow. We'll have to see how fast I can get my chores done!