We had the wonderful privilege of attending the Barrus family reunion in Blackfoot, ID. Great-Grandpa Barrus' health is not what it used to be so, with some encouragement from Grandma Petersen, we decided to attend this event. So Friday morning we packed up the suburban and we headed for Idaho.
The boys were very excited about the trip, probably because it was going to be an opportunity to see their cousin Devin Boel. I don't think they knew much more about the trip or even cared. We stopped in Brigham City where we met the Boel children, Uncle Kyle and Grandma and Grandpa Petersen. Devin jumped in with us and the 3 girls jumped in with Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Kyle (Aunt Melissa decided to stay home with Lydia and her newborn, Aldin).
We finished the 4+ hour trip eagerly anticipating the tin foil dinners that we had prepared only to discover that the traditional camp fire was not lit! So a quick stop at McDonald's and that mishap was remedied. We arrived at the park and the kids disappeared as the adults pitched camp. The reunion was already underway with family stories, skits and such being presented.
The traditional camp fire was finally lit but we had already eaten so we just enjoyed an evening sitting by the fire, after putting the boys to bed around 10:00 pm. The night was very windy once we decided to settle down and sleep. Michelle was afraid the tent would blow away with us inside (probably like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz). But we survived, albeit very tired in the morning. The following video and pictures are just a few highlights of the our Saturday:
(Michelle and our family tree)
(family picture with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Barrus)