Decorating the Christmas tree is always an adventure. Michelle has developed a special technique of wrapping the lights on each branch so that the entire tree lights up! That takes some dedication but it makes the tree so beautiful. Once the tree lights were on David went around the entire house, turned off the lights and then just stood in the doorway and admired the Christmas tree.
The boys were as eager to help as ever as they rushed around trying to help with the lights, the handing decorations, with anything they could get their hands on. And they literally ran!

Once the lights were completed the boys really got involved hanging the decorations. So the decorations seemed weighted toward the bottom half of the tree but that doesn't really matter. It's the thought that counts, right?

When Michelle pulled out the Christmas bells, Michael became the guardian of the bells. Now the intention was that he would hand them out, but he was more of a protector than a distribution specialist. Eventually all of the bells found their way to the tree.

Now decorating a tree isn't all fun and games! It is serious work and not something to be taken lightly by the faint of heart. Trying to get those little loops over the prickly pine needles takes some coordination and some patience. At one point it just became too much for our boys to handle...

But all is not lost. After the boys finished their decorating and were in bed for the night, Michelle and I helped to redistribute the trinkets around the tree, allowing many to reach the top most branches. (Some of our plastic ice sickles didn't survive the season and have fallen by the way side. It has been sad to watch them die but this is the way of all things.)
It has been a joy to watch our boys get so excited about decorating the tree and getting ready for Christmas. David is especially excited this year. Donovan seems to be getting in the mood. Michael is just along for the ride and figures if the other boys are doing it then he want to be a part of it too. Aleky is just excited to explore and find new things to put in his mouth. It is wonderful to have our growing boys.