David was able to participate as a shepherd in the primary nativity (for which the ward choir was providing the accompaniment).
December 14, 2008
Ward Christmas Party & Nativity
We had the opportunity to attend our ward Christmas party last night. There was quite a turn out, I'd have to say it was quite a success. The activities committee had put paper over the tables so that we could color while we waited for the rest of the ward to show up. My boys thought that was a brilliant idea. Aleky just thought it was the first course and started trying to eat it but Donovan and Michael went to town.

Michelle was asked to participate in the ward choir just moments after we arrived.

David was able to participate as a shepherd in the primary nativity (for which the ward choir was providing the accompaniment).

It was great to get together with the ward, especially since so many came out to support this activity. When our ward is united we have some awesome activities. This happened to be one of those moments. And just in time to celebrate Christmas.
David was able to participate as a shepherd in the primary nativity (for which the ward choir was providing the accompaniment).