It was a dark and stormy night...but midway through the night the pounding rain ceased. The quiet was only interrupted by the moisture dripping from the tree tops. The storm had finally blown out its furry and had left us in a quiet reprieve. But then we realized that it was the calm before the storm (started again)!

Despite the rain and snow all night long we managed to keep some of our firewood dry. We quickly rekindled a fire before the snow started to fall.

While the snow makes a beautiful landscape it doesn't always work with your morning plans. And everyone was freezing! We had a camp fire but you had to be outside in the snow to feel its warmth. The tent had 4 stove burners and 4 lantern burning but they weren't exactly designed for heating purposes. So blankets and layered clothing were the only options (not that we didn't try using the stoves and laterns for heat)

Our family was in charge of the breakfast and lunch for this day. Grandma had previously gathered the blue berries from around camp and we used them in the pancakes! They were delicious. And it was nice to have a hot breakfast on such a cold morning.

Our new tent did fantastic through the night.

(but the weight of the snow caused it to collapse, almost burying my boys inside the tent! (no pictures...I was too concerned about rescuing my little family!)
No it was time to head home. The though caused some minor alarm considering the challenge of getting to camp on dry ground. We finished our preparations in the snow and began the slow drive through the mud, rocks, rivers, ravines, and winding mountain trails. Jared drove in front and Kyle drove behind to make sure that my vehicle would survive the excursion down the mountain. It actually wasn't too bad, mostly muddy and wet (no incidences).

For all the cold we went through it was simply amazing to come home to a sunny and warm Provo! Even before we found the pavement the snow had stopped and it was just rain. By the time we made it to Provo Canyon there were blue skys. And the temperature was a balmy 66 (according the the Jones weather station) when we got to our home.
It was truly and experience to remember. When we got home everything was wet. So we pitched camp again in our back yard, living room, kitchen and downstairs play room. It took half the house to dry out the tent, sleeping bags, clothes, chairs, etc. Michelle completed 6 loads of laundry to get our camping clothes clean! And we're finally getting everything put away. What a wonderful way to end our summer.
Despite the rain and snow all night long we managed to keep some of our firewood dry. We quickly rekindled a fire before the snow started to fall.
While the snow makes a beautiful landscape it doesn't always work with your morning plans. And everyone was freezing! We had a camp fire but you had to be outside in the snow to feel its warmth. The tent had 4 stove burners and 4 lantern burning but they weren't exactly designed for heating purposes. So blankets and layered clothing were the only options (not that we didn't try using the stoves and laterns for heat)
Our family was in charge of the breakfast and lunch for this day. Grandma had previously gathered the blue berries from around camp and we used them in the pancakes! They were delicious. And it was nice to have a hot breakfast on such a cold morning.
Our new tent did fantastic through the night.
(but the weight of the snow caused it to collapse, almost burying my boys inside the tent! (no pictures...I was too concerned about rescuing my little family!)
No it was time to head home. The though caused some minor alarm considering the challenge of getting to camp on dry ground. We finished our preparations in the snow and began the slow drive through the mud, rocks, rivers, ravines, and winding mountain trails. Jared drove in front and Kyle drove behind to make sure that my vehicle would survive the excursion down the mountain. It actually wasn't too bad, mostly muddy and wet (no incidences).
For all the cold we went through it was simply amazing to come home to a sunny and warm Provo! Even before we found the pavement the snow had stopped and it was just rain. By the time we made it to Provo Canyon there were blue skys. And the temperature was a balmy 66 (according the the Jones weather station) when we got to our home.
It was truly and experience to remember. When we got home everything was wet. So we pitched camp again in our back yard, living room, kitchen and downstairs play room. It took half the house to dry out the tent, sleeping bags, clothes, chairs, etc. Michelle completed 6 loads of laundry to get our camping clothes clean! And we're finally getting everything put away. What a wonderful way to end our summer.