But let's face it, putting a flyer on everyone's door is just too much work for any one person. So we made the boys do it. They were excited to put the flyers on the doors and they wanted to run, so...
All day Sunday our boys were so excited for the marshmallow party. They knew they had to be good so that they could be at the party...maybe that's why they were so reverent at church (hmmmm...). After dinner the boys were ready to get the party started. David found the magic match and decided to get warmed up with a little practice fire-starting.
Having sufficiently prepared himself with a single stick he decided it was time to go for the whole bon fire. With just a little extra help he tried to start the camp fire. It smoked a lot but didn't produce quite the flame we were hoping for...
Fortunately help had arrived, and with the experience that comes with age, we had our fire in no time.

The kids had a blast. While is was still Sunday, they kids just enjoyed they beautiful weather, the park and the playground equipment. With virtually no parental monitoring (they were to busy talking to their friends) the kids got along great, watched out for each other and played uninterrupted until the marshmallows and chocolate was unveiled.
While we have no official count we do know that generally people were having a good time. We started at 6:00 pm and the last people to leave the fire pit left around 9:30 pm. For some it was a great introduction to the neighborhood and for others it was a farewell. But we are grateful to everyone who showed up and shared in a wonderful, neighborly, beautiful Sunday evening.
(Thanks to Michelle Argyle for the 1st picture of the S'more! )